Today: 22nd February 2025

Having valid IELTS proof can increase your chances of getting a scholarship. But it is not mandatory for Japan. You can Study in Japanese Universities Without IELTS. For the Japanese scholarships, knowledge of the Japanese language is NOT required from the scholarship applicants. So, in this post, I will list down the universities in Japan without IELTS requirements.

Even some prominent Japanese scholarships such as MEXT, and JASSO don’t ask for English Language Test proof. They also accept English proficiency certificates or any other alternative. Furthermore, there is no application fee for most Japanese universities. So you can apply as much. Many fully funded scholarships in Japan are available by the Japanese Government and the Japanese Universities. Further details are given below.


List of Universities to Study in Japanese Universities Without IELTS 

This Blog Includes:

Here’s a list of some universities in Japan that don’t require IELTS for international admissions:

Public Universities:

  • Tohoku University
  • Hokkaido University
  • Osaka University
  • Kyushu University
  • Tokyo University of Science

Private Universities:

  • Asia Pacific University
  • Meiji University
  • Sophia University
  • Waseda University
  • Yokohama National University

This list is not complete. I am sure that many universities in Japan do not need IELTS. Even you can apply for the MEXT University recommended scholarship without IELTS.

Also Check: Study in Belgium Universities Without IELTS (2024)

List of Scholarships in Japan for International Students

Scholarship by Government and organizations:

Also Check: Study in Poland Universities Without IELTS (2024)

Scholarship by Japanese Universities

MEXT University Recommended scholarship is the most popular scholarship that is available in Japanese universities. These scholarships are for international students to pursue undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degree programs.

The MEXT Scholarship, also known as the Monbukagakusho Scholarship. Covers your full admission, tuition, accommodation, and Airfare, and provides a stipend every month.

It is a FULL FREE scholarship to help international students enroll in Japanese universities.

An example of MEXT University recommended scholarships are:

Which Universities Offer MEXT University Recommended Scholarship Program?

I have mentioned 36 top universities for MEXT University recommended scholarships:

  1. Hiroshima University
  2. Akita International University
  3. Hokkaido University
  4. Chiba University
  5. Keio University Global Page
  6. Hosei University
  7. Kyoto University
  8. International Christian University
  9. Kyushu University
  10. International University
  11. Nagoya University
  12. Kanazawa University
  13. Osaka University
  14. Kumamoto University
  15. Tohoku University
  16. Kwansei Gakuin University
  17. Tokyo Institute of Technology
  18. Kyoto Institute of Technology
  19. Tokyo Medical and Dental University
  20. Meiji University
  21. The University of Tokyo
  22. Nagaoka University of Technology
  23. University of Tsukuba
  24. Nara Institute of Science and Technology
  25. Waseda University
  26. Okayama University
  27. Rikkyo University
  28. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
  29. Ritsumeikan University
  30. Shibaura Institute of Technology
  31. Soka University
  32. Sophia University
  33. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
  34. Tokyo University of the Arts
  35. Toyohashi University of Technology
  36. University of Aizu

If you are not satisfied with these universities, kindly contact your respective university on whether they provide the MEXT scholarship or not.

Also Check: Study in Canada Without IELTS (2024)

How to Study in Japan Without IELTS?

Universities with No English Language Requirement: Certain universities in Japan do not require any English language proficiency tests for international students.

Alternatives to IELTS: Some universities will also accept scores from other tests, such as the PTE Academic or the Duolingo English Test.

English Language Proficiency: If you have completed your previous degree at an English-medium university, you may be able to use your transcripts as proof of your English language proficiency.

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