Today: 23rd February 2025

Sweden is home to 39 universities. Of the eight appearing in the QS World University Rankings 2023, two are inside the top 100. These are KTH Royal Institute of Technology, in 89th position, and Lund University in 95th.

Top student cities include Stockholm, Gothenburg, Lund and Uppsala.

Programmes are offered at two main types of institution in Sweden:

  • universities (universitet) provide degrees at Bachelors, Masters and PhD level.
  • university colleges (högskola) offer courses at undergraduate and Masters level only.

Despite the difference, universities are considered no more prestigious than university colleges. A Bachelors received from a university has the same weighting as a Bachelors received from a university college, and the two types of institution are both regarded as universities.

The majority of institutions are government funded, but some are supported privately. These independent providers typically offer degrees in a specialist subject – usually in psychotherapy and healthcare.

The Swedish academic calendar runs from August to mid-January (autumn semester) and mid-January to the beginning of June (spring semester).

Degree courses in Sweden

A large number of degree programmes are offered in English. They require three years of full-time study, and to apply you’ll need to have successfully completed upper secondary school (sixth form or college).

The structure of a Swedish Bachelors degree differs from its UK counterpart. At some universities, programmes are structured as a series of courses (modules), studied one at a time and examined before the next one begins. Other universities follow the UK system of studying a number of courses simultaneously with exams taking place in the summer.

As well as these exams, throughout a Bachelors degree you’ll be assessed with written and oral tests, group work and lab work (depending on your course). Most programmes end with the submission of a thesis.

Search for Bachelors programmes at Study in Sweden – Programmes.

Masters degrees

There’s plenty more choice when it comes to postgraduate courses – you can study a variety of subjects, with around 900 courses delivered in English.

These take one to two years of full-time study, and are comprised of advanced coursework followed by the completion and submission of a research-based thesis.

To be eligible for a Masters degree, you’ll need to have successfully complete upper secondary school, and hold an undergraduate degree or equivalent.

Look for Masters courses at Study in Sweden – Programmes.


Swedish universities don’t offer taught PhD courses. They’re largely research-based, although you’ll also need to attend seminars or short courses, and they require a minimum of four years’ full-time study.

In this time, you’ll produce a dissertation, composed of either an extended essay or a collection of smaller pieces of scholarly work, and will be assigned an individual tutor to oversee your studies. Assessment takes places as a public defence of your dissertation.

Although the majority of PhDs are completed independently, it’s likely you’ll partake in group work in the technology, natural sciences and medical fields.

PhDs are typically offered as paid positions – you’ll be employed by the university as a researcher. You won’t be subject to tuition fees and will instead receive a monthly salary to support your studies.

PhD positions are usually advertised by Swedish universities and you’ll apply directly to the institution. Some universities have fixed application dates, while others admit students on an ongoing basis.

Course fees

Citizens from non-EU countries, are required to pay tuition fees as well as a students’ union fee. Study in Sweden estimates the average fees to be 129,000 SEK per year (around £10,000). However, averages vary between subject disciplines:

  • Social sciences and humanities students can expect to pay between 80,000 SEK and 110,000 SEK (£6,298 to £8,660) per year.
  • For technical and natural science programmes, this rises to between 120,000 SEK and 145,000 (£9,447 to £11,415) per year.
  • Architecture and design students face the highest fees, at a suggested 190,000 to 295,000 SEK (£14,958 to £23,224).

Non-EU/EEA/Nordic/Swiss students will also be subject to a university application fee of 900 SEK (£71).

If you’re from an EU/EEA/Nordic country or Switzerland, you won’t incur any tuition fees studying in Sweden. You’ll only be required to pay a students’ union fee, which varies between 50 and 350 SEK (around £4 to £28) per semester.

It’s important to factor in living costs to your budget. Study in Sweden recommends a monthly sum of 8,568 SEK (around £675), to cover food, accommodation, travel, phone and internet use as well as other luxuries. Your personal lifestyle, type of accommodation and location will affect how much you’ll need – living in Stockholm or Gothenburg, for example, will be more expensive than some of Sweden’s smaller towns.

Funding to study in Sweden

A range of scholarships are available to international students studying at all levels of higher education. Due to the lack of tuition fees, it’s normal for Swedish students to complete their studies without scholarships or funding.

For international students there are two main sources of funding:

  • Swedish Institute Study Scholarships (SISS) – for Masters courses starting in the autumn semester. They cover tuition fees, living expenses and travel costs. They’re open to students from 41 countries that can fulfil a range of criteria, such as having the ability to demonstrate previous leadership and work experience. Visit the website to view the full list of entry requirements.
  • Swedish universities – the majority of the country’s institutions provide scholarships for international students. Contact individual universities for more information.

For more information about scholarships, awards and funding, visit:

There is no legal limit to the number of hours an international student can work during their studies in Sweden so if you don’t secure a scholarship getting a job to subsidise study costs may be an option.

Student visas

UK citizens can travel to countries in the Schengen Area (which includes Sweden) for up to 90 days in any 180-day period without a visa. However, if you plan to study in Sweden for more than three months, you must apply for a residence permit before you move to the country.

To apply for one of these, you’ll need to:

  • pay your first tuition fee instalment
  • submit supporting documentation such as copies of your passport and university admission letter, as well as proof that you can financially support yourself
  • certificate for comprehensive medical insurance
  • complete an online application form and pay the application fee.

If you intend the live in Sweden for more than a year, you’ll also be required to register in the Swedish Population Register. It’s a good idea to apply for a Swedish ID card too – this will make proving your identity at banks, shops and pharmacies easier.

Swiss students are able to enter Sweden without a visa, but will need to register for a residence permit for any stay exceeding three months. Visit the Swedish Migration Agency – Residence permits for Swiss citizens for more information.

How to apply

For undergraduate and Masters degrees, you’ll submit your application through Sweden’s central applications portal You can apply for up to eight Bachelors programmes in one cycle, or four Masters Degrees.

As well as completing an online application form, you’ll also need to submit documentation that proves your eligibility to study in the country. This includes:

  • certificates of diplomas
  • transcripts of any previous completed qualifications
  • evidence of your language proficiency (where appropriate)
  • a copy of your passport.

See the Swedish Council for Higher Education for more information on having foreign qualifications officially evaluated.

Language requirements

Thanks to the range of courses offered in English at all levels, you won’t need to be fluent in Swedish to study in the country. If you’re planning to study a course in Swedish, you’ll need to prove that your skills are equivalent to secondary school level – you can do this by taking the Test in Swedish for university studies (Tisus).

If you’re hoping to study a course in English and you’re a non-native speaker, you can demonstrate your proficiency by taking either the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

What are the documents required to apply for the Swedish Student Visa?

  • A current and valid passport.
  • Letter of acceptance.
  • Fully filled-out application form.
  • Evidence of identity.
  • Confirmation of financial support.
  • Statement of Purpose.
  • Proficiency in language, demonstrated through IELTS, GMAT, TOEFL, SAT.
  • Verification of payment.
  • Certificate of medical examination.
  • Police clearance certificate.
  • Mandatory possession of valid travel insurance.
  • Tax Documents.


  • Popular Universities in Sweden:
  1. Lund University
  2. KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  3. Stockholm University
  4. Uppsala universitet
  5. Karolinska Institute
  6. Chalmers University of Technology
  7. University of Gothenburg
  8. Umeå universitet
  9. Linköping University
  10. Örebro University
  11. Jönköping University
  12. Karlstad University
  13. Stockholm School of Economics
  14. Linnaeus University
  15. Dalarna University
  16. Södertörn University
  17. Mälardalens University
  18. World Maritime University



  • Intakes to Study in Sweden:
  • Autumn or September Intake: October – January.
  • Spring or May Intake: June – August.
What are the documents required to apply for the Swedish Student Visa?
  • A current and valid passport.
  • Letter of acceptance.
  • Fully filled-out application form.
  • Evidence of identity.
  • Confirmation of financial support.
  • Statement of Purpose.
  • Proficiency in language, demonstrated through IELTS, GMAT, TOEFL, SAT.
  • Verification of payment.
  • Certificate of medical examination.
  • Police clearance certificate.
  • Mandatory possession of valid travel insurance.
  • Tax Documents.


Popular Universities in Sweden:
  1. Lund University
  2. KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  3. Stockholm University
  4. Uppsala universitet
  5. Karolinska Institute
  6. Chalmers University of Technology
  7. University of Gothenburg
  8. Umeå universitet
  9. Linköping University
  10. Örebro University
  11. Jönköping University
  12. Karlstad University
  13. Stockholm School of Economics
  14. Linnaeus University
  15. Dalarna University
  16. Södertörn University
  17. Mälardalens University
  18. World Maritime University



  • Intakes to Study in Sweden:
  • Autumn or September Intake: October – January.
  • Spring or May Intake: June – August.


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