Today: 23rd February 2025

Hotel & Restaurant Management

What is hospitality, leisure, and tourism?

Hospitality, leisure and tourism are vast subject areas that will give you the grounding to work in a variety of sectors. From managing your local sports centre or hotel, to planning around-the-world itineraries of cruise ships, a degree in any of these three subjects will give you the edge in this glamorous and popular industry.

Whichever strand of hospitality, leisure, and tourism you pursue, you’ll need a similar set of skills to stand out. Once you graduate, you’ll be fully equipped with commercial and business skills, customer service, rapid thinking, working in high-pressure environments, and superb communication skills. As a collection of attributes, they’ll make you an attractive candidate for almost any job in any sector.

What’s the difference between hospitality, leisure, and tourism?

While all three subjects are generally about making sure that customers have the best experience, they all concern slightly different areas. Hospitality is primarily about hotels, bars, and restaurants. Leisure is often about events, sports centres, and multi-purpose venues. Tourism is about domestic and international travel, including sightseeing and attractions.

Why study hospitality, leisure, and tourism?

Hospitality, leisure, and tourism will give you the skills you need to be in-demand all over the world. Whether you’re working for one of the big travel companies, or you’d like to join a restaurant chain or a hotel group, the skills acquired during your degree will make you an attractive candidate across the board. Many hospitality, leisure, and tourism graduates will eventually go on to become owner-managers of their own businesses.

You’ll pick up sector-specific skills like currency fluctuation, volume buying, and exhibition planning, that will stand you in good stead to make a name for yourself. But it’s the wider skills that make hospitality, leisure, and tourism such valuable degrees to have, including accounting, management, planning, strategy, and marketing. There are few other subjects which will give you so many transferable skills and still make you a specialist.

Some modules you may study are:

  • Transport economics and policy
  • The digital customer experience
  • Sustainable tourism
  • Exhibitions and events
  • Special interest tourism
  • Global planning and logistics
  • Bed and room management
  • Hospitality policies
What’s it like to study hospitality, leisure, and tourism?

Careers in hospitality, leisure, and tourism are challenging, rewarding, and exciting. When your week might range from setting events up, to welcoming international travellers, to planning flights and accommodation on the other side of the world, you need to be able to cope with a lot of competing priorities. Your studies will prepare you for this, because studying hospitality, leisure and tourism will also be a busy but fun experience.

You’ll be spending a lot of time in the classroom, as you master the basics of how these unique businesses run. There are theories to learn, rules and regulations to master, and strategies to remember. But don’t expect it to all be book learning and uncomfortable chairs, you’ll almost certainly have the opportunity to put your academic knowledge into practice during an industry placement. Whether as a short-term project or a year out, make sure that you take the opportunity to get some real business experience on your CV, to stand out in what can be a very competitive job market.

Hospitality, leisure, and tourism undergraduates can expect the following tasks during their studies:

  • writing reports and essays
  • attending lectures and seminars
  • hearing from industry speakers
  • placements and industry experience
  • project and team work.

Tourism is an increasingly important part of our lives, and the tourism industry is one of the few global industries forecast to grow in the long term. Managing this rapidly growing industry to meet visitors’ demands in a sustainable way is exciting and challenging. This long-established course will give you the knowledge, analytical abilities and skills you need to make a career as a tourism professional.

Diploma Courses

Serial No.

Course Name


Course fees (Taka)


Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management Course

Duration: 2 years, Course Fee: 200,000 taka

3 Years



Diploma in Hotel Management

Duration: 1 year, Course Fee: 120,000 taka

2 Years



Advanced Diploma in Professional Cookery (Chef)

Duration: 2 years, Course Fee: 200,000 taka

1 Years



Advanced Diploma in Culinary, Baking & Pastry Arts

Duration: 2 years, Course Fee: 200,000 taka

2 Years



Diploma in Professional Chef Course

Duration: 1 year, Course Fee: 120,000 taka

2 Year



1 Year



6 Month


Certificate Courses

Serial No.

Course Name


Course fees (Taka)


Food & Beverage Production (Cooking)

Duration: 6 months, Course Fee: 80,000 taka

06 Months



04 Months



Food and Beverage Service Course

Duration: 6 months, Course Fee: 70,000 taka

06 Months



04 Months



04 Months



Front Office Management

Duration: 3 months, Course Fee: 50,000 taka

03 Months



Housekeeping & Laundry Course

Duration: 3 months, Course Fee: 45,000 taka

03 Months



Bakery and Pastry Course

Duration: 3 months, Course Fee: 45,000 taka

02/01 Months



Basic Hospitality Hygiene & Sanitation

Duration: 2 months, Course Fee: 30,000 taka

01 Months



Basic Computer Operations, E-ticketing & Travel Agency

Duration: 6 months, Course Fee: 70,000 taka

02 Months



02 Months



There will be few other courses offered which will be signposted in our Institute.



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