Today: 23rd February 2025

About ExpoTech

ExpoTech BD Limited was established in 2002 providing an innovative and specialist educational consultancy as well as migrating families from Bangladesh to Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States. ExpoTech worked on Work-Permits, Point Based System, Visit Visas, Students Visas and various types of appeals.

Our most experienced counsellors are easily accessible to all our clients on regular phone calls, office visits and WhatsApp communications. The main purpose of ExpoTech is to help people of Bangladesh to travel abroad whether as a student or for a permanent settlement in a foreign country which helps Bangladesh in flowing foreign remittance.

We have offices in USA, UK, CANADA and Bangladesh. We have wide range of experience to help our clients settle in their respective country of choice. In few years those clients become our friends and families. We are the ExpoTech Community.

We are in Business since 2002,
Our trade licence will prove it.

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